Saving water sounds great, but is it worth all the hassle? What hassle? Saving water doesn’t have to be a pain. In fact, saving water is the same as saving money, both immediately and in the long run. Cutting back on water consumption can be as simple as being aware of what you’re doing every day. Below are some tips for saving water, but what are the benefits? The most obvious benefit is money savings, but decreasing your environmental impact is also a good reason. There may be other reasons you might not consider every day such as, landscape health. Overwatering your landscaping can cause your plants to be more susceptible to fungus and disease. Having damp landscaping can also attract pests such as spiders, flying insects and slugs. Another reason is drainage. Many landscapes are not properly drained, and as a result water can collect in areas around or under your house. Having overly damp ground can cause condensation in your crawlspace or basement. It can also cause pooling in inconvenient locations. Whatever your motivation, there are many reasons to conserve water, and here are some tips to help.

1. Make sure your sprinklers are not watering sidewalks, driveways, or your house.

2. Check your water bill regularly. If it’s higher than normal, you may have a leak.

3. Water when temperatures are cooler. (ie. Morning, evening)

4. Spread a layer of mulch around plants. It will help retain moisture between watering.

5. If water runs off your lawn , try watering in shorter segments.

6. If you have an irrigation controller, install a rain sensor to prevent overwatering.

7. Don’t water on windy days if possible, much of your water will be lost when it blows away or evaporates.

8. Increase your plants drought resistance by watering deeply when possible.

9. When your kids want to play in the sprinkler, set it up in a location that needs to be watered already.

10. When buying sprinklers, choose models that deliver big drops or streams rather than mist to avoid evaporation loss.

11. Plants more often die from over-watering than under-watering. Only water your plants when they need it.

12. By aerating your lawn once a year, water is delivered to the roots rather than running off.

1. By turning the water off while brushing your teeth, you can save 25 gallons a month.

2. Consider replacing your showerhead with a water-saver model. You can save up to 750 gallons a month, and they’re inexpensive and easy to install.

3. Find a leaking toilet by adding food coloring to the tank. If it seeps into the bowl, you have a leak. By fixing it you can save up to 1,000 gallons per month.

4. Use a bottle of rocks or other displacement device in your toilet tank. You’ll still get the flush you need, and use less water every time. (These methods are not recommended on newer, water-saving toilets. Bricks are not recommended for this application)

5. Only do full loads of laundry and dishes.
Rather than using a sink disposal, consider starting a compost pile. Disposals need a lot of water to operate.

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